Stand Up Sunday- Stand Up Louisville

Stand Up Sunday- Stand Up Louisville


Join us every Sunday at 3p to talk, plan, and Turn Pain into Power about the current movement surrounding #BlackLivesMatter and police repression. Stand Up Sunday is a community building coalition & space to combat factors in opposition to #BlackLivesMatter. However, we, as well as the entire social justice community, work everyday through our programming to combat violence. Whether at the systemic level (making the city accountable and calling on transparency to actual programming that fuels our community with the tools they need to make peace with their neighbors) to those grassroots initiatives of rallying and protesting. We invite those within the community to join us in building a larger coalition to achieve these goals. OUR DEMANDS ARE AS FOLLOWED: *That a national and local database will be created to keep ALL police related shootings, *That the LMPD be required to wear a camera on their person for the entirety of their shift in addition to cameras on their vehicles, *That the VIPER Squad dismantle, *The creation of a independent citizens review board, *That the names of officers involved in shootings or other police crimes be released with the incident reports as that of the victim, and *That the LMPD and the Jefferson County Sheriff department discontinue receiving military grade weapons from the 1033 program. #stnaduplouisville Twitter: @StandUp_Sunday

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