South Florida Chapter of Indivisable

South Florida Chapter of Indivisable


There are many indivisible/resistance groups in South Florida. The reason this group was formed is with an intent of exemplary UNITY and effectiveness. To the point of unity, information that pertains to combating some part of the Trump administration's agenda. Once more, there are many other groups, please consider this one focused on the principles of organization and information to our common goal; rather than a place for opinions and debate. To the point of effectiveness, Check your sources before posting please.Efficacy of effort is the only way we will realize our goal. We must be indivisible and guided. If you are against any of the following, we will have pertinent information on how to form effective opposition to it here: - The lies, misinformation, and lack of transparency coming from our government, namely the White House - The disrespect and filing down of the separation of powers - The constant degradation and attempted diminution of the free press - Russia's role as an aggressor on the world stage - The destruction of a safe and healthy environment, by global warming, and more - Legislative or executive action against women's rights - The bias of law enforcement and the criminal justice system against minorities - The use of governmental power to override the claims of native people to their lands - The deregulation of the banking industry - Legislative or executive bias against any religious or ethnic minority - Legislative or executive bias in favor of the wealthy - Laws or actions that allow discrimination against LGBTQ rights - Laws or actions against the protection of animal rights -The Common Goal is the success of the 2018 and 2020 Elections. ...etc.

Activity status unknown.
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