SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania

SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania


1500 N 2nd St
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102

Pennsylvania's largest and fastest growing union of health care workers. SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania unites 25,000 health care workers from all areas of the health care industry. We are the nurses, caregivers, dietary workers, lab technicians and housekeepers who work in Pennsylvania’s nursing homes, hospitals, home health care agencies, state health facilities and auxiliary health care services. Together we work to protect patient care, expand access to quality health care for all, and to improve our working conditions. We accomplish these goals by organizing non-union health care workers, driving industry standards in our contracts and fighting for legislation that affects health care in our state. SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania is affiliated with SEIU Healthcare, part of the Service Employees International Union which represents 2.1 million working people in health care, public services and property services. We encourage open discussion and invite you to share your opinions on our Facebook page. However, we reserve the right to remove posts which do not adhere to our commenting guidelines, which are as follows: - No foul, discriminatory, defamatory, libelous or threatening language. - No invasion of privacy; no racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language. - Subject matter which potentially violates HIPPA laws - Comments should be on-topic and relevant to the original post. - No personal attacks. - No promoting violence, illegal or questionable activities. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to participating in a productive discussion with our Facebook community. This page is a venue for community discussion only. If you have specific questions or concerns about your rights on the job, please contact our Member Resource Center at 1-800-252-3894 (in PA) or 412-222-9514 (out of state) between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. If you have suggestions, comments or questions about our Facebook page, please contact our member communications representative at Welcome to SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania’s Facebook Community! Our goal is to maintain a space where our members, supporters, volunteers and staff can share information and ideas to build a stronger voice for healthcare workers in our facilities and communities. We’re always glad to hear from you. We encourage comments that: Are on topic and respond to the content in the article or post; Respond to comments left by other participants; Are brief and to the point; Are positive/constructive in tone; and Offer opinions without insulting individuals, unions, or other supporting organizations. To ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all users of our Facebook page, we cannot allow comments that: Use foul, discriminatory, libelous or threatening language, or use racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or harassing language against any individual, union, or other organization, including SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania; Disrupt normal on-topic conversation, including messages designed to provoke an angry response or messages that are repeated over and over or fill the screen with gibberish; Contain advertising, campaigning, or solicitations; Invade the privacy of others; or Violate trademark or copyright laws or other laws. We reserve the right to delete comment(s)/image(s), without notice, that violate these guidelines. Repeated or egregious violations may result in a user being banned from this page. Nothing in these guidelines is intended to restrict the rights of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania members under applicable federal law, including the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, 29 U.S.C. § 401, et seq. The opinions expressed on our page are the personal opinions of the original writers and do not reflect the views of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania, nor can we confirm their accuracy. Also, the appearance of external links on this page does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania.

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