Our Revolution Phoenix

Our Revolution Phoenix


All issue positions must have a firm basis in human rights and equality. We are working in the Phoenix metro area and statewide to focus activists on key issues, encourage public involvement in the political process, and to create a base of support for candidates that share our goals. People are ready to support a movement that fights to elevate ALL voices in our democracy. If we let the issues unite us, and not let personality differences divide us, we can have a profound impact on our communities and the country. To this end, Our Revolution organizes behind a progressive platform to accomplish three intertwined goals: revitalize American democracy, elevate political consciousness, and empower progressive leaders. Our issue positions have a firm basis in human rights and equality (https://ourrevolution.com/issues/). We are working to organize individual chapters across the state and globally by focusing activists on key issues, encouraging public involvement in the political process, and creating a base of support for candidates that share our goals. To mobilize support, we must organize. Single voices are often ignored, especially within marginalized communities. However, a dozen people joining forces may be able to organize a community and wield real electoral influence. A coalition of well-organized groups may be able to effect electoral change and codify democratic protections into law.

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