

Indianapolis Dakota Access Pipeline Opposition Group. We organize to help stop this project and to support everyone else who is doing the same. On April 1st, 2016, tribal citizens of the Standing Rock Lakota Nation and ally Lakota, Nakota, & Dakota citizens, under the group name “Chante tin’sa kinanzi Po” founded a Spirit Camp along the proposed route of the bakken oil pipeline, Dakota Access. This Spirit Camp is called Iŋyaŋ Wakháŋagapi Othí, translated as Sacred Rock, the original name of the Cannonball area. The Spirit Camp is dedicated to stopping and raising awareness about the Dakota Access pipeline, the dangers associated with pipeline spills and the necessity to protect the water resources of the Missouri river and all waters. 1,000's of people have gathered at this site and groups are forming now around the world in support of this movement. We are tired of profiteering companies doing as they will, destroying our earth, and contaminating our water. In the end, no one will be able to eat or drink money. All we have is our Mother Earth and the time is now for us to stand and speak for her, for ourselves, for our families, for our children, for their children, and so on.... It is time for a change! ** See our 'Events' to see how we are responding and what we are doing here locally in Indy.

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