Indivisible Winnebago WI

Indivisible Winnebago WI

Our mission is to promote progressive values and candidates by coordinating actions with other progressive groups. We want to be patriots – a force for good in our communities - and resist the disruptive changes that are harming our communities. We support kindness, respect, and dignity for all. We are against the normalizing and acceptance of hatred and bigotry and we will never give up in our push against it. Posting Guidelines: Posts to the group should be limited to information about #resistance activities, events, opportunities, and trainings that align with our mission. Please also post information about the results of our actions and events: we always like to see that. However, please avoid posting memes, items from groups that tend to sensationalize the news (like Occupy Democrats), and ordinary news items without a plan to take action on them.

Activity status unknown.
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