Indivisible TX House District 47 Paul Workman

Indivisible TX House District 47 Paul Workman

We are constituents of House District #47 who promote issues that reflect our progressive values. We expect to align with newly elected Rep. Vikki Goodwin (D) #47 to let the Texas Legislature and Gov. Greg Abbott know that we in #47 advocate for justice, equality, and protection for all citizens of Texas. The purpose of this group is to keep one another up to date on what's happening in the TX Legislature and coordinate our efforts in reaching out and helping (or challenging) representatives, via phone calls, letters, postcards, social media, and office visits. Citizens are powerful. Let's keep doing our homework and keep working for a fair shot for all Texans! The GOP will be ready for us in 2020, and we need to be ready, too. Page Expectations: Stay on topic, no selling stuff or advertisements, be respectful to everyone, and no squabbling. I reserve the right to end comments or remove members if these expectations are not honored.

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