ActLocal Southern California

We are a network of local leaders from Southern California focused on strengthening local power and promoting allyship and coordination across the progressive movement.

Featured Local Partners


LA Voice is a multi-racial, multi-faith community organization that awakens people to their own power, training them to speak, act, and work together to transform our County into one that reflects the dignity of all people.

T.R.U.S.T. South LA

T.R.U.S.T. South LA is a community-based effort that works to stabilize the neighborhoods south of Downtown LA, where increased property values and rents have pushed out many long-term residents. Our mission is to serve as a steward for community-controlled land; to be a catalyst for values-driven, community-serving development; to build awareness and community leadership in issues of housing, transportation and recreation; and to create programs and initiatives that encourage community building and economic opportunity.

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Featured Resources

Breaking Away: Exploring the Third Party Millennial “Protest” Vote of 2016

Qualitative research among “protest” voters with an emphasis on millennials of color, who voted 3rd party or did not vote in 2016, but previously voted for Barack Obama.

District Resources

Learn about your Swing District, plan a voter registration drive, support the team from afar, and more.

Canvass Training

Learn everything you need to know to knock on doors.

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