ActLocal New York

We are a network of local leaders from New York focused on strengthening local power and promoting allyship and coordination across the progressive movement.

Featured Local Partners

Action Group Network

The Action Group Network is a nationwide network of grassroots groups dedicated to moving the country progressively forward in the wake of a divisive election.


Since 2016, #VOTEPROCHOICE has helped prochoice voters find prochoice champions in every election everywhere. Find your prochoice champions today!

Working Families Party

Working Families is building progressive power to renew the American Dream. Working families run aggressive campaigns to raise standards for working families; they are electing the next generation of progressive leaders; they organize and assemble to spread the word creating the largest impact possible.

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Featured Resources

Building Coalitions: People, Process, and Power

Learn about how coordinated actions with broader constituencies yield greater impact, leverage power, and voices of grassroots voters are amplified.

Lessons Learned from the 2017 Virginia Elections 2.0

How the Grassroots Helped Flip VA Blue by Virginia Grassroots Coalition

Breaking Away: Exploring the Third Party Millennial “Protest” Vote of 2016

Qualitative research among “protest” voters with an emphasis on millennials of color, who voted 3rd party or did not vote in 2016, but previously voted for Barack Obama.

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