PICO California

PICO California



Contact: info@picocalifornia.org

2000 Franklin Street, 3rd Floor
Oakland, California 95816

PICO California is the largest faith-based community organizing network. We bring clergy and community together to fight racial/social justice issues. PICO California is the state’s largest faith-based community organizing network. Established in 1994, PICO California brings together clergy and community leaders from throughout California to affect meaningful budget and policy change at the state level. Over the past 20 years, our organizing and policy advocacy has resulted in increased investments in education and healthcare, and in programs and services that are critical for low-income and working families. Together, we represent 480 congregations and 450,0000 families of diverse economic, racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds committed to advancing racial and economic justice in California. PICO California rallies against any policy that separates families and devastates communities. We are committed to connecting communities of color in solidarity across the common struggle of regaining and maintaining full and enfranchised citizenship. PICO California is part of the PICO National Network. PICO California and its federations are non-partisan and do not endorse or support candidates for office. PICO California is the united effort of: NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Berkeley Organizing Congregations for Action Congregations Organizing for Renewal – South Alameda County Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization Oakland Community Organizations People Acting in Community Together – San Jose Peninsula Interfaith Action/San Francisco Organizing Project True North – Del Norte/Humboldt Counties & Tribal Land CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Congregations Building Community – Modesto Faith in Action Kern County Faith in Community – Fresno Merced Organizing Project People and Congregations Together of San Joaquin County Placer People of Faith Together Sacramento Area Congregations Together SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Greater Long Beach Area Interfaith Community Organization Inland Congregations United for Change (San Bernardino and Riverside Counties) LA Voice Orange County Congregation Community Organization San Diego Organizing Project PICO California brings people together to strengthen families and improve communities. With more than 480 congregations, schools and neighborhood institutions and four hundred thousand families working in 73 cities from San Diego to Lake Tahoe, the California affiliates of PICO form the largest grassroots community effort in California.

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