New Jersey Citizen Action

New Jersey Citizen Action

625 Broad Street, Suite 270 Suite 2080
Newark, New Jersey 07102

NJCA is a statewide grassroots organization that fights for social, racial & economic justice for all. We combine issue advocacy, organizing and policy work with the provision of free financial services across the state. Our mission is to secure economic and social justice for all. We work to promote and expand the rights of individuals and families, and to ensure that government officials respond to the needs of people rather than the interests of those with money. NJ Citizen Action brings together individuals, families, and organizations who share a common vision of citizen power. We organize, educate, and advocate to improve our quality of life, putting a voice back into our community, our workplace, NJ State House, and US Congress. NJCA fights for NJ residents on critical issues such as Quality Health Care for All, Fair Banking and Affordable Housing, Campaign Finance Reform, Lower Utility Rates, Affordable Insurance, and Foreclosure Prevention. ~~~~ New Jersey Citizen Action provides affiliates and allies with strategic direction and policy development, technical support and staff and leadership training. We help increase capacity for collective action, and strengthen ties to core constituencies. We assist in drawing new activists, especially from communities that traditionally have been underrepresented in the political system - as well as political activists, community organizers, and progressive elected officials - into movements for progressive social change. ~ ~ ~ Our country is in crisis. Millions of Americans face a reality of insecure jobs, stagnant real wages, and a fear of falling further down the economic ladder. At the same time, disillusioned by a lack of accessibility, fairness, accountability and responsiveness in the political system, millions of people conclude that their voices do not count and their votes do not matter. Our country needs a progressive movement that can bring multiple constituencies to the decision-making table, put forward real solutions to these problems, and make our society work for all its citizens. Progressives must increase their efforts to build a powerful, organized political base, seize opportunities to redefine the nation's political agenda, and craft credible policy alternatives that respond to the reality of people's everyday lives. New Jersey Citizen Action focuses on the following strategic areas * Train leaders. Provide training and support to engage many more people in community leadership and help them develop the skills necessary to make change * Build organization. Strengthen the ability of citizens' groups to help people win concrete changes to improve their lives by working together in collective action. * Win Campaigns. Support innovative issue campaigns on key issues-like public financing of election campaigns, universal health care, immigration reform and more-that advance democracy, opportunity, and freedom, and put control of public back into public hands. * Advance Strategies. Identify new strategies to advance progressive movement building such as worldview, racial justice, and year round voter engagement and move these initiatives in a coordinated way in our states and region. *Connect People. Build community across constituencies, states and issues. Provide needed spaces for support, joint learning and celebration

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