Indivisible OR-1

Indivisible OR-1


Inspired by the Indivisible Project, we are uniting any and all constituents of Oregon District 1 who oppose Trump. Inspired by the Indivisible Project (, we are uniting constituents of Oregon's First Congressional District to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and advocate for bold, progressive values in America. We hope you'll find the Indivisible OR-1 official Facebook page to be a useful source of updates and information. We encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions on the page, but all comments are subject to removal. We reserve the right to remove comments that: •are injurious, defamatory, profane, off-topic or inappropriate; •contain personal attacks or racist, sexist, homophobic, or other slurs; •solicit and/or advertise for personal blogs and websites or to sell products or services; •may infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of others or other applicable laws or regulations; or •are otherwise inconsistent with the goals of this page. Repeated violations of this comment policy may cause the author to be blocked from the Indivisible OR-1 Facebook page. Disclaimer: Posted comments and images do not necessarily represent the views of Indivisible OR-1. External, non Indivisible OR-1 links on this page do not constitute official endorsement. Thanks for helping to preserve the integrity of our democracy. E pluribus unum. To defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and advocate for bold, progressive values within Oregon's First Congressional District.

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