Indivisible Glenview

Indivisible Glenview


Welcome to Indivisible Glenview! Visit and join our mailing list to keep up to date. 'Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.' --Dolores Huerta Indivisible Glenview is a community of progressive activists. Glenview is served by two congressional districts: the Illinois 9th District (Jan Schakowsky) and the Illinois 10th District (Brad Schneider). Our goals for 2017 and 2018 are: (1) Grow, inform, and engage the progressive community in Glenview. (2) Re-elect Jan and Brad in 2018. (3) Elect Democratic candidates in other congressional districts in Illinois in 2018. This is a community Group Page. This means that all members are encouraged to post events, articles, action alerts, resources, town hall meetings or march information. We are stronger together! You are invited to join us at our meetings the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at the Glenview Public Library Multipurpose Room. For more information about the Indivisible movement, please visit:

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