Indivisible Foothill Social Club - CA 32

Indivisible Foothill Social Club - CA 32


Welcome to Indivisible Foothill Social Club - CA District 32 - We started this group to have a way to casually meet up and organize us District 32'ers for a variety of reasons. First and stand together, firm and united against the current administration's attack on our democracy and our country. Also to find ways to encourage lawmakers to adopt a more progressive agenda. We thought it would be nice to have a comfortable and casual monthly meet up to socialize, drink the beverage of your choice, cry on each other's shoulders, build up, encourage, help support one another, share ideas and have discussions with like minded people who live in CA District 32. I guess you could say it's a monthly confirmation that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. One of the main purposes of the group is to encourage one another, our fellow Indivisiblers, to get involved as they are so inspired. Wouldn't you like to participate in various marches, rallies, attend various speaking engagements, town halls, be available for other groups that may need the help with a bunch of local people you know? There is strength in numbers and it's time to stand up and be counted! Besides, it's much more fun to meet up and travel together as a group to events whenever possible. Our group has set ourselves a goal to meet once a month at a local restaurant or wherever is decided the month prior. We would like to keep this a simple and casual social meeting. I was gonna do this old school, I will bring to each meeting a handout of a paper calendar marked with any upcoming events, as a group we can add events so bring your suggestions, and for those who are interested in attending any of these events together, we can make our plans to attend. I for one am much more motivated when I know I'm not going at it alone. Let's do this! Come join us won't you? Check our events page for our next meet up!

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