Indivisible Columbia Gorge

Indivisible Columbia Gorge

Indivisible Columbia Gorge is a nonpartisan local group dedicated to resisting the Trump agenda through grassroots advocacy, working through our own Members of Congress. We are part of a national movement that is implementing the strategy outlined at Our goal is a defensive one: to fight Trump's agenda every step of the way. We seek to stall his momentum by making him redirect his energies towards overcoming our resistance. We seek to prevent congress from driving reactionary change, by making them wonder what our reactions will be. And finally, and most importantly, we seek to bear witness that any reactionary bills they do manage to pass are illegitimate and we said so from the very start. This is not about pushing a specific agenda. With the Republicans controlling the White House, both bodies of Congress, most governorships, most state legislatures, and, soon, the Supreme Court, that is just not realistic. By playing a defensive game, we also open our ranks to all decent people, conservative and liberal, who just simply are appalled by the agenda and personality of Trump. Because we have a Republican member of Congress, Rep. Greg Walden, who is also a member of the Republican leadership, we are in a unique and valuable position. We need to show up at every town hall he puts on, every ribbon he cuts, and demand that he hold Trump accountable, demand that we know about Trump's conflicts of interest, and voice a loud and boisterous opposition to any reactionary policies Congress should decide to push. This Facebook group is here for us to organize. Membership will be restricted, and postings will be private. POSTING GUIDELINES Things that make a good post: 1) Local political issues. 2) Posts about our District 2 MOC, Greg Walden, or other local political leaders. 3) Actionable ideas for unseating Walden 4) Events, calls-to-action, letters-to-editor and other organizing activities. 5) National grassroots success stories and/or ideas that reinforce our goals. 6) Local protest events that fit our outlook; we do not endorse, just pass along. 7) ACA and immigration remains a major focus. Things that make a poor post: 1) National politics with no clear connection to ICG-O 2) Fun memes that don't clearly connect with ICG-O 3) Profane, low minded, insulting, commercial, or mindless rants of any kind 4) Fundraising or promotion of particular candidates, political or other partisan group. At this point we're not comfortable with backing any particular candidate. A good rule of thumb is: 'Would a moderate Republican be comfortable with my post?'

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