IMT Madison: International Marxist Tendency - Madison, WI

IMT Madison: International Marxist Tendency - Madison, WI


1310 Mendota St, # 115E
Madison, Wisconsin 53714 Join the WIL/IMT & fight against war, racism, poverty, misery & their root cause: capitalism! We have entered the most convulsive period in history since the end of the Second World War. The terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, DC, the 'war on terrorism', the quagmire in Iraq, the massive job losses and stagnating economy entirely confirm this perspective. Overnight the entire world situation seems to have been turned upside down. Far from the 'new economic paradigm' we were promised of endless growth, jobs, and prosperity, we are faced with war, terror, paranoia, attacks on our wages and conditions, attacks on our civil rights, and on and on. Politically, economically, and socially, the capitalist system is in crisis and millions of people are looking for a solution to improve their conditions of life. The events of the past few years has already dramatically shaken people’s consciousness, and they are more and more open to the ideas of scientific socialism. And this is only the beginning. Due to the inherent instability and crisis of the capitalist system, even more momentous events are on the horizon. Revolutionary movements have erupted in Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, and elsewhere, and the process of revolution is not yet finished. In one country after another, the working class and poor have had enough with cuts and attacks of the ruling class. As far-fetched as it may seem to some, even the United States cannot avoid a revolutionary explosion in the future. Events internationally will have a powerful influence on events here in the US. In an epoch of global capitalism and global economic crisis, global revolution is also on the agenda. But getting the ideas of Marxism across and building an alternative to capitalism will require serious organization on a national and international scale. There is a pressing need for a nation-wide organization in the US which can unite the best elements of youth and labor in the struggle for socialism. In the summer of 2001, a small group of American Marxists formed the Workers International League. The most important result of this founding congress was the formulation of our program. As explained in Alan Woods’ Bolshevism: the Road to Revolution: 'A party is not just an organizational form, a name, a banner, a collection of individuals, or an apparatus. A revolutionary party, for a Marxist, is in the first place program, methods, ideas and traditions and only in the second place, an organization and an apparatus (important as these undoubtedly are) in order to carry these ideas to the broadest layers of the working people. The Marxist party, from the very beginning, must base itself on theory and program, which is the summing up of the general historical experience of the proletariat. Without this, it is nothing. The building of a revolutionary party always begins with the slow and painstaking work of assembling and educating the cadres, which forms the backbone of the party throughout its entire lifetime.' The US working class has a proud and militant tradition. We look to the accumulated experiences of the American working class - the great railroad strikes, the mine wars, the formation of the Teamsters and the CIO, the Flint sit down strikes, and more for inspiration. We rest on the traditions of William Sylvis, Albert Parsons, Mother Jones, Joe Hill, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Big Bill Haywood, Eugene Debs, John Reed, Louise Bryant, and the millions of rank and file workers who led and participated in the great struggles of the past. And we are confident that the greatest days of the US labor movement are still to come. We also base ourselves on the ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, and on the further development of these ideas by the supporters of the In Defence of Marxism website. The ideas of scientific socialism have been tarnished in the minds of millions by the horrific experience of Stalinism and the continued lies and distortions of the ruling class. We believe that Stalinism was a historical aberration and a criminal totalitarian caricature of genuine socialism. We fight for international socialism, where the world working class has full democratic control over the means of production, distribution, and exchange, in harmony with the environment. Without democracy there can be no socialism! A workers’ government in the US would take over the vast wealth now owned by just a handful of individuals and democratically use it in the interests of everyone. Our newspaper, Socialist Appeal, which was the name of the first Trotskyist paper in the United States, fights to defend and re-establish the ideas of revolutionary Marxism and Trotskyism in the United States. We invite you to subscribe to, sell, and read the printed version of our paper. The times are changing quickly, and earth-shaking events are on the order of the day. The ideas of scientific socialism are as vibrant and valid as ever - even more so. But we lack the numbers and resources to take full advantage of the opportunities which will open up in the coming period. We must redouble our efforts to ensure that the tremendous fighting potential of the working class is channeled into the socialist transformation of society. We invite all workers and youth who are in agreement with the ideas expressed in Socialist Appeal, and who are serious about building a revolutionary Marxist alternative to capitalism to contact us about working with or joining the IMT. For the right to strike, union representation, and collective bargaining Repeal all anti-union laws including Taft-Hartley. End compulsory arbitration and the victimization of trade unionists and those forming new unions. Unionize the unorganized. Mobilize the rank and file to fight the bosses' attacks. A united Labor Movement has the power to beat the bosses and their politicians. For trade union democracy All union officials to be regularly elected with the right of immediate recall by the membership. All officials to receive the average wage of a skilled worker, plus vetted expenses. For a mass party of labor based on the unions The Labor Movement must break with the Democrats. For a militant, class independent program against the attacks of Big Business and the bosses' political parties. By fighting for socialist policies that can truly address the needs and aspirations of workers and youth, a genuine workers' party would get a mass echo. Full employment and housing No to lay-offs. Thirty hours work for forty hours pay. The right to a secure, full-time job, full benefits, or a place in education. For a national minimum wage of at least $16 per hour. Wages to be adjusted for inflation through periodic Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA). For union control over hiring and firing. Establish union-controlled job training and hiring halls in communities with high unemployment. All temporary workers to be made full-time, with equal pay and treatment. Voluntary retirement at age 55 with full benefits. No to the privatization of Social Security. End homelessness: quality housing for all, with rent fixed at not more than 10 percent of wages. For a massive program of public works to create jobs and housing, and to rebuild our infrastructure, inner cities and the Gulf Coast. Free, quality health care for all Eliminate the need for private health insurance and HMOs. For a socialized, national health care system. Free science from the narrow limits of the profit system. Full access for all to the latest medical technology, treatments, and discoveries. Massively fund research and treatment for AIDS, cancer and other curable and preventable diseases. Nationalize the pharmaceutical and medical giants that squeeze their profits out of the health of working people. Free, quality education for all Fully fund and expand our public schools, colleges and universities. Repeal 'No Child Left Behind' and end means testing. No to vouchers and privatization. End corporate encroachment into the classroom. End tuition fees and forgive student loans. For living grants and life-long learning for all. For the immediate and unconditional legalization of all undocumented immigrants Full rights and amnesty for immigrant workers and their families. End all racist immigration and asylum controls. For the right of residency and dual citizenship. For the right to speak one's own language. Access to Social Security with equal benefits for all. No to “guest worker” programs. For family reunification and an immediate end to raids and deportations. No to border walls, militarization, and repression on the border. For the unity of the working class – the labor movement must be at the forefront of the struggle to improve conditions for all workers. Outlaw all forms of discrimination – equal rights for all Equal pay for work of equal value. Full paid leave for expectant mothers after the 1st trimester; parental leave for up to two years after birth or adoption with full pay. Free and safe, quality after-school programs and childcare facilities in the workplace. Affordable public laundry services and subsidized restaurants serving healthy, quality food to help free working women from domestic servitude. For full reproductive rights up to and including abortion. No to racist and anti-worker police, courts, and laws. End the phony war on drugs in the U.S. and internationally. Abolish the death penalty and release all political prisoners. Defend our civil liberties. No to attacks on our civil rights in the name of the “war on terror.” Mobilize the labor movement to combat racism and discrimination: workers' unity is the way forward. A socialized plan of production for agriculture and natural resources End the anarchy of the market in the resource industry. Nationalize the food distribution giants and agri-chemical companies that destroy farmers' livelihoods. For a voluntary socialized plan of production for farming that would protect small farmers' and agricultural workers' jobs and security. Action to protect the environment and jobs Only public ownership, democratic planning, and control of the land, major industries, oil, mining and logging companies, energy, and transport, using all available information and technology, can enable humanity to combat climate change. Environmental plans would be measured in generations, not fiscal quarters. Free and efficient public transportation for all. Nationalization of the commanding heights of the economy: the major banks and corporations Break with the chaos of the capitalist free market. Nationalize the Fortune 500. No compensation to the millionaires, only to those in genuine need. All nationalized enterprises to be run under democratic workers' control and management, and integrated in a socialist plan of production to meet the needs of society. For genuine freedom of expression. Nationalize the means of communication and democratize access to the media and the use of public meeting spaces on the basis of proportional representation. Socialist Internationalism NAFTA, CAFTA and pull out of the WTO and other bankers' deals that are the tools of imperialist exploitation. No to the FTAA. Abolish the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and write off debts imposed by Wall Street and imperialism. For international economic cooperation based on the interests of working people, not a handful of multinationals. No to the war on working people at home and abroad. Cut the military budget: no to militarism and imperialism in the Middle East and around the world. Withdraw all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan now. End the embargo on Cuba. Hands Off Latin America! Unite with Canadian and Latin American workers in a Socialist Federation of the Americas as part of a World Socialist Federation.

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