Illinois NOW

Illinois NOW


Box 474
Springfield, Illinois 62705

NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights. Our chapter welcomes new members to help fight for women's rights on the local and national level. IL NOW is a collective of chapters from all over the state with the common goal of taking action to bring women equality. With 450 chapters, NOW has been a leader of public opinion, pushing principled, uncompromising positions since 1966. Join us! NOW is dedicated to making legal, political, social, and economic change in our society in order to achieve our goal, which is to eliminate sexism and end all oppression. We are the grassroots arm of the women’s movement. The National Organization for Women is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has hundreds of thousands of contributing members and more than 500 local and campus affiliates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Since our founding in 1966, NOW’s goal has been “to take action” to bring about equality for all women. Both the actions NOW takes and its position on the issues are principled, uncompromising, and often ahead of their time. NOW is a leader, not a follower, of public opinion. NOW's 6 core issues: - Reproductive Rights & Justice - Ending Violence Against Women - Economic Justice - LGBT Rights - Racial Justice - Constitutional Equality Amendment ****************************************** NOW activists use both traditional and non-traditional means to push for social change. NOW activists do extensive electoral and lobbying work and bring lawsuits. We also organize mass marches, rallies, pickets, non-violent civil disobedience and immediate, responsive “zap” actions. In 2004, the March for Women’s Lives became the largest mass action of any kind in U.S. history, bringing a record 1.15 million people to Washington, DC to advocate for women’s reproductive health options. NOW’s actions have established the organization as a major force in the sweeping changes that put more women in political posts; increased educational, employment and business opportunities for women; and enacted tougher laws against violence, harassment and discrimination. NOW is a multi-issue, multi-strategy organization that takes a holistic approach to women’s rights. Monthly Meetings IL NOW Executive Committee & IL NOW State Council (comprised of representatives from local NOW chapters) meet monthly to discuss and act on current issues of concern to women. Contact for locations & meeting times. IL NOW Legislative Project This project maintains a lobbyist in Springfield to promote the passage of legislation of special importance to Illinois women. IL NOW organizes at least one Lobby Day in the capitol each Spring. Members can request to receive a monthly legislative summary from the Legislative Project. Contact for more information. 10-10 NOW Action Alert Message IL NOW has established this immediate link to our members so they are kept up-to-date and are able to respond quickly to events as they happen. Contact to join. IL NOW Legal & Education Fund The Illinois Women's Funding Federation & the Public Interest Fund of Illinois have merged to become Community Shares of Illinois. Through workplace giving you choose to support local services in your area. The IL NOW Legal & Education Fund is one of these services which provides information and legal advice to women facing such issues as domestic violence, discrimination, divorce, and other problems. To support local non-profits, please visit The purpose of NOW is to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all the privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men.

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