Galvanize Miami

Galvanize Miami

GALVANIZE MIAMI is being formed by a group of old friends and new whose mission is to take meaningful ACTION locally and nationally in resisting and opposing what we deem most UNACCEPTABLE in our current government. To do this, we plan on using the Indivisible Guide (www.indivisibleguidecom) which we suggest you read. In this vein, we seek to educate ourselves and others about the dangers to our democracy, to civil rights, to our environment, to the arts, to free speech, and to our whole society as a result. We seek to prevent harm to the values we hold dear and to help install political leaders who share our values. In the coming weeks, months and perhaps years, we will post meetings to attend, emails to send, letters to write and phone calls to make that we believe will make a difference. Join us - every voice matters.

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