Democracy For The Greater GLens Falls Area/ Tri-county DFA

Democracy For The Greater GLens Falls Area/ Tri-county DFA


Carrying on the principles of the Dean For America campaign of supporting progressive candidates & causes and building a new American community! Democracy For The Greater Glens Falls Area is the home of progressive activists in the Southern Adirondack Area. Originally Dean For America meetup #38, we are now in our ninth year. While welcoming the supporters of other candidates, we are still carrying on the progressive principles of the Howard Dean campaign of supporting progressive candidates and causes, resisting right wing extremism, reforming the Democratic Party and building a new American community. Although, like all local DFA group, we are legally independent, we follow the leadership of Democracy For American in Burlington, Vermont and our founder Gov. Howard Dean and our Chairman Jim Dean. To promote progressive causes and candidates, resist right wing extremism and build a new American community.

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