Bayshore Progressive Democrats

Bayshore Progressive Democrats


The bayshore region of the San Francisco Peninsula is synonymous with Silicon Valley innovation, but it's also a center of gross inequality -- whether you look at income and wealth, housing and homelessness, or transportation. We're Berniecrats for the political revolution in the region around Palo Alto, Mountain View, and Sunnyvale, organized as the Bayshore Progressive Democrats. We are Democrats from the SF Peninsula / Silicon Valley area who believe in a society that works for everyone, not just the “one percent.” We’re starting a new Democratic Club to build the political revolution, and to make sure that the voice of change - the voice of the political left - will not continue to be silenced in a party that has lost its way. Several of us were elected as Bernie Sanders delegates to the 2016 Philadelphia DNC, or as ADEM delegates who supported the inspirational Kimberly Ellis. We've worked on local progressive causes such as the Measure V rent control campaign in Mountain View. Rain or shine, we’re ready to knock on doors and bring change to our community.

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