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Campus Empowerment Training: Running and Winning
During this session, we will cover how to prepare for your student government campaign. This includes what to research, how to begin and the process of becoming a viable candidate. The trainers are Matt Cordeiro and Monique Teal. -
Candidate Training
The wealthy have too much control over our lives — because they sit in the halls of power. The Incorruptibles train grassroots groups and candidates in a new model of organizing that leads to progressives winning elections. Join us as we fill all levels of government with unwavering politicians fighting for economic, racial, environmental, and social justice. -
Canvass Training
Learn everything you need to know to knock on doors. -
Canvassing 101
Face-to-face conversations are the most effective way to drive people to the polls on election day. Every door knocked and every conversation is a step toward victory.Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Centering Relationship & Community Care in Social & Political Justice
Designed to center compassion and relationship in how we engage in politics and collective care, this CTZN Circle guide is a courageous practice that includes the whole truth, whole person, and whole community -- revealing the ways we are like-hearted, even when we are not like-minded. -
Checklist for White Allies
A compilation of guidelines for "ally behavior" -
Collect Video Clips for Campaign (NDCO Training)
How to collect videos from supporters for your campaign using FlipGrid. -
Courageous Conversations
Centering Relationship & Community Care in Social & Political Justice -
Cross-Cutting Messaging in a Tough Political Environment
Learn how to craft a message that engages and convinces. -
De-Escalation - A User Guide
For groups interested in building an ongoing de-escalation practice. -
Democracy, Extremism, and Outliers Conversation Guide
Given the societal impulse to label anyone outside of the mainstream “extreme,” how can we better distinguish and then support outliers who are advancing worthy causes?Toolkit Civic Education Community Engagement Livingroom Conversations
Deportation Defense Manual (ENGLISH)
This manual is a resource for individuals who are being impacted by the escalation of immigration enforcement activity, and for individuals who are interested in becoming a support person for those affected. -
Digital Organizing - OFA's Campaign Organizing Bootcamp
In this training you will: 1) Understand the unique role social media can play in sharing the story of your organizing online; and 2) Be able to tell the story of your work on social media. -
Digital Organizing 101
You can help build a social movement with your fingertips.
233 results (page 2 of 12)