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Blueprints for Change Organizing Manual
14 detailed how-to guides on cutting-edge approaches to organizing -
Canvassing 101
Face-to-face conversations are the most effective way to drive people to the polls on election day. Every door knocked and every conversation is a step toward victory.Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Effective Conversations
Face-to-face conversations are the most effective way to drive people to the polls on election day. Watch now tearn how to conduct powerful conversations that drive voters to the polls!Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
For the Win: Tech and Tools that Can Propel Us to Victory (Hustle)
An overview of Hustle by Kafia Ahmed. From the Sunday Network Assembly session "For the Win: Tech and Tools that Can Propel Us to Victory"Webinar Candidate Resources Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization
For the Win: Tech and Tools that Can Propel Us to Victory (Motivote)
An overview of Motivote by Jess Riegel. From the Sunday Network Assembly session "For the Win: Tech and Tools that Can Propel Us to Victory"Webinar Digital Organizing Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization
GOTV 101
GOTV stands for Get Out The Vote. GOTV campaigns happen in the last four days leading up to an election and are one of the most important ways to boost voter turnout.Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
GOTV Strategy Briefing
Join us for a strategy briefing on Indivisible’s plans to Get Out the Vote or GOTV. We’ll be sharing with you tried and tested GOTV best practices, the specifics of Indivisible national's plans, and ways you can get involved. Continue watching after the presentation for Q&A with the Indivisible Data Team.Webinar Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Strategy Voter Mobilization Indivisible
How to Use MiniVan Touch
When you’re out knocking doors, some campaigns will ask you to use mobile apps instead of paper lists. Get ready for your upcoming canvass and learn the ins & outs of MiniVan Touch!Training Digital Organizing Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
How to Use PDI Mobile Connect
When you’re out knocking doors, some campaigns will ask you to use mobile apps instead of paper lists. Get ready for your upcoming canvass and learn the ins & outs of PDI Mobile Connect!Training Digital Organizing Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Know before you go: Canvassing Training
If you’re about to start knocking doors, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible. Watch now to learn all there is to know before hitting the streets!Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Stories that Win
To win we need people to hear our message. Watch now to learn about the proven “and, but, therefore” method for telling stories.Training Webinar Messaging Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Street Team 101
There’s more to this than just setting up a table and waiting for people to come to you. You’ve got to know how to communicate, have clear goals and know what you’re talking about.Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Tech Tools That Can Propel Us to Victory
An overview of VoteWithMe by Sarah Sullivan. From the Sunday Network Assembly session "For the Win: Tech and Tools that Can Propel Us to Victory"Webinar Digital Organizing Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization
To Vote or Not to Vote? Conversation Guide
What is it about voting that inspires us to participate or turn away, feeling it’s not worth our effort? In this conversation, ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, we talk about what leads us to vote or not to.Guide Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Livingroom Conversations
Virtual Phone Banking Training
Made for activists, just like you, who need a primer (or a refresher) on the ins and outs of virtual phone banking—watch now to learn all there is to know before hitting the phones!Training Digital Organizing Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Vote Together - A Community Guide for Voting Well
Vote together is a community-based approach designed to support communities in making conscious choices on behalf of the wellbeing of all. We are coming together in the name of love and justice, uniting our voices and votes to help change the course of our society.Guide Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization CTZNWELL
21 results (page 1 of 2)