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198 Methods of Nonviolent Indirect Action
Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of “nonviolent weapons” at their disposal. Listed here are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention.Primer Organizing International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
Affordable Housing Conversation Guide
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, housing is considered affordable when a person pays no more than 30 percent of income toward housing costs, including utilities. When people pay more than 30 percent of income toward housing costs, they are considered “housing cost burdened,” and when they pay more than 50 percent, they are considered severely housing cost burdened. -
Blueprints for Change Organizing Manual
14 detailed how-to guides on cutting-edge approaches to organizing -
Campus Empowerment Training: Groundswell
The goals of this session include understanding slates and coalitions, choosing your slate, building relationships and making the ask. The trainers are Athena Salman and Monique Teal. -
Campus Empowerment Training: Running and Winning
During this session, we will cover how to prepare for your student government campaign. This includes what to research, how to begin and the process of becoming a viable candidate. The trainers are Matt Cordeiro and Monique Teal. -
De-Escalation - A User Guide
For groups interested in building an ongoing de-escalation practice. -
Digital Organizing - OFA's Campaign Organizing Bootcamp
In this training you will: 1) Understand the unique role social media can play in sharing the story of your organizing online; and 2) Be able to tell the story of your work on social media. -
Don't wait until a crisis hits: Get your organization ready for a rapid response campaign
News breaks on a critical issue or campaign you work on — what do you do? -
Facebook-Optimized Videos for Organizers
You’ll learn the secret formula for creating videos that get watched and shared. -
Getting Started with Facebook Live
How to amplify your action and bring more people into the movement -
GOTV Conversations - OFA's Campaign Organizing Bootcamp
In this training you will: 1) Internalize and apply the GOTV framework for effective conversations when talking to sporadic voters; 2) Examine GOTV best practices; and 3) Feel excited to implement these practices with voters in your community. -
Guided Activity: Identity and Intersectionality
2 hour training on intersectionality and identity -
How to Be Real: Allies, Accomplices, & Anti-Oppression
Leverage privelege in a way that builds supportive coalition for those being oppressed.Training Organizing Racial Justice New York Communities for Change (NYCC)
How to Build a Team
Explore how individuals can discover their ability to lead. Learn types of leadership and organizing structures from Marshall Ganz, and build a toolkit based on how individuals across the world have launched their own teams.Training Leadership Development Organizing Resistance School
Internal Systems and Operations: Setting Up Your Team for Success
From staffing to HR to finance reporting to compliance, good campaigns need strong systems in order to keep the trains running on time. This briefing will cover key tips for setting up strong systems and operations early on so that the candidates and campaigners are all set up for success. -
Intro to Research Justice Toolkit
Intended for community organizers to apply tools and concepts of Research Justice to organizing. -
Intro to Taking Over Your City in Five Steps
What does it take to "take over your city" and fill your city council with true representatives of the people?
44 results (page 1 of 3)